Wp/akz/Móskòkà innaaɬiilka istállàaka

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Móskòkà innaaɬiilka istállàaka
ihankolokbi naaɬiilka
Ooli naaɬiika ɬʷàθáa
Ooli naaɬiika móskòkàahaɬopotli
Ooli naaɬiika sobáyko
Innaaɬiilka istállàaka Natchez-Móskòkà
Ooli hosso látìnhossochiɬopotli
Ooli wákulàti íkso
SIL innaaɬiilkakáhmi
ISO 639-1 íkso
ISO 639-2 íkso
ISO 639-3 íkso
Móskòkà innaaɬiilka istállàaka

Móskòkà innaaɬiilka istállàaka ooli innaaɬiilka istállàaka.

Innaaɬiilka[edit | edit source]

Mary Haas[edit | edit source]

I. Hasootàmmi Móskòkà

1. Chickasaw
2. Choctaw (a.k.a. Chahta, Chacato)

II. Hasassalíika Móskòkà

A. Méti Móskòkà
i. Apalachee-Albaamo-Koasati istállàaka
a. Albaamo-Koasati
3. Albaamo
4. Koasati
b. Apalachee
5. Apalachee
ii. Hitchiti-Mikasuki
6. Hitchiti-Mikasuki
B. Creek
7. Creek

Pamela Munro[edit | edit source]

I. Falammi Móskòkà

1. Creek/Seminole

II. Maatokaamahli Móskòkà

A. Maatokaamahlihasootàmmi Móskòkà istállàaka
i. Apalachee
2. Apalachee
ii. Albaamo-Koasati
3. Albaamo
4. Koasati
iii. Hasootàmmi Móskòkà
5. Chickasaw
6. Choctaw
B. Hitchiti-Mikasuki istállàaka
7. Hitchiti/Mikasuki

Intàjnat[edit | edit source]

Aɬaplichi[edit | edit source]

  • Booker, Karen. (2005). "Muskogean Historical Phonology." In Hardy and Scancarelli 2005, pp. 246-298.
  • Campbell, Lyle. (1997). American Indian languages: The historical linguistics of Native America. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-509427-1.
  • Goddard, Ives (Ed.). (1996). Languages. Handbook of North American Indians (W. C. Sturtevant, General Ed.) (Vol. 17). Washington, D. C.: Smithsonian Institution. ISBN 0-16-048774-9.
  • Haas, M. (1951). The Proto-Gulf word for water (with notes on Siouan-Yuchi). International Journal of American Linguistics 17: 71-9.
  • Haas, Mary. (1952). The Proto-Gulf word for 'land' (with notes on Proto-Siouan). International Journal of American Linguistics 18:238-240.
  • Haas, Mary. (1973). The southeast. In T. A. Sebeok (Ed.), Linguistics in North America (part 2, pp. 1210-1249). The Hauge: Mouton.
  • Hardy, Heather, and Janine Scancarelli. (2005). Native Languages of the Southeastern United States. University of Nebraska Press.
  • Mithun, Marianne. (1999). The languages of Native North America. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-23228-7 (hbk); ISBN 0-521-29875-X.
  • Sebeok, Thomas A. (Ed.). (1973). Linguistics in North America (parts 1 & 2). Current trends in linguistics (Vol. 10). The Hauge: Mouton. (Reprinted as Sebeok 1976).
  • Sturtevant, William C. (Ed.). (1978-present). Handbook of North American Indians (Vol. 1-20). Washington, D. C.: Smithsonian Institution. (Vols. 1-3, 16, 18-20 not yet published).