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Hi, let we write in mon I from Mon State, Myanmar. Now i am studying in Mahidol University,Thailand. Wow, very difcullty to reach to here Abstract: In this term paper I would like to explain my understating in my course studied form the course of Introduction to the Academic Study of Buddhism with many social science approach to study religion especially Buddhism. When I study this course I feel like study what I have both studied in research methodology course and foundation course from my first semester. So, my discussion and some my answer will be base on some theories of foundation to study religious movement and on approaching of religion with social science method as anthropological approaches, phenomenological approaches, sociological approaches and others approaches. As I have got knowledge form my pervious courses, academic study is a kind of study one issues from various theories approach. So, for answer what is advantage and disadvantage in academic study in Buddhism, it is depend on particular issues to definite an advantage and disadvantage sources. This two, advantage and disadvantage, categories are not exactly have difference characteristic to separately discuss .