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User:Officine Informatiche

From Wikimedia Incubator

« Where there is curiosity there is always a pinch of intelligence »
(a tuscan innkeeper, may 2001)

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User language
it-N Questo utente può contribuire con un livello madrelingua in italiano.
en-2 This user has intermediate knowledge of English.
Users by language

☺ ☻

About me

A greeting to all wikipedians!!

My name is Matteo and in real life I AM.
I use Wikipedia almost daily and I try to make my small contribution to expand the world's largest encyclopedia! (*)
(*) Without source... mmmh I don't think it is necessary.


Expert in the en:Computer science and a sport enthusiast (practiced by others), especially en:soccer. As well as contributing to topics related my interests, sometimes I also try to improve and expand the voices about my territory (en:Tuscany), a land rich in Art and Culture.

In my spare time I correct grammatical, spelling or translation errors, but above all I like to update the statistics...
often a +1 or a -1 make the difference!

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