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From Wikimedia Incubator

Example usage

[edit source]

The module is usually invoked via {{Wy/syl/Listing}} and {{Wy/syl/Phone}}. Thus only the "text" and "result" are relevant, unless you are coding a template.

Text Code Result
+1 234 567 890 {{#invoke:Wy/syl/LinkPhone|LinkPhone|+1 234 567 890}} +1 234 567 890
+1 234-567-890 {{#invoke:Wy/syl/LinkPhone|LinkPhone|+1 234-567-890}} +1 234-567-890
+1 234-567-890 ext 12 {{#invoke:Wy/syl/LinkPhone|LinkPhone|+1 234-567-890 ext 12}} +1 234-567-890 ext 12
+1 (234) 567 890 {{#invoke:Wy/syl/LinkPhone|LinkPhone|+1 (234) 567 890}} +1 (234) 567 890
+1 234.567.890 {{#invoke:Wy/syl/LinkPhone|LinkPhone|+1 234.567.890}} +1 234.567.890Category:Wy/syl/Listing with phone format issue
234 567 890 {{#invoke:Wy/syl/LinkPhone|LinkPhone|234 567 890}} 234 567 890Category:Wy/syl/Listing with phone missing country code
+1 234 567 WIKI {{#invoke:Wy/syl/LinkPhone|LinkPhone|+1 234 567 WIKI}} +1 234 567 WIKI (9454)
+44 20 7890 1234 reservations, +44 20 7890 1235 general enquiries {{#invoke:Wy/syl/LinkPhone|LinkPhone|+44 20 7890 1234 reservations, +44 20 7890 1235 general enquiries}} +44 20 7890 1234 reservationsCategory:Wy/syl/Listing with phone format issue, +44 20 7890 1235 general enquiriesCategory:Wy/syl/Listing with phone format issue
+44 20 7890 1234 (reservations), +44 20 7890 1235 (general enquiries) {{#invoke:Wy/syl/LinkPhone|LinkPhone|+44 20 7890 1234 (reservations), +44 20 7890 1235 (general enquiries)}} +44 20 7890 1234 (reservations), +44 20 7890 1235 (general enquiries)
+44 20 7890 1234, +44 20 7890 1235 {{#invoke:Wy/syl/LinkPhone|LinkPhone|+44 20 7890 1234, +44 20 7890 1235}} +44 20 7890 1234, +44 20 7890 1235
+44 20 7890 1234 {{#invoke:Wy/syl/LinkPhone|LinkPhone|''+44'' 20 7890 1234}} +44 20 7890 1234
+44 (0)234 567 890 {{#invoke:Wy/syl/LinkPhone|LinkPhone|+44 (0)234 567 890}} +44 (0)234 567 890Category:Wy/syl/Listing with phone format issue
0844 123 4567 (high cost) {{#invoke:Wy/syl/LinkPhone|LinkPhone|0844 123 4567 (high cost)}} 0844 123 4567 (high cost)
visites.csg@cnes.fr (museum and tours), csg-accueil@cnes.fr (rocket launches) {{#invoke:Wy/syl/LinkPhone|LinkEmail|visites.csg@cnes.fr (museum and tours), csg-accueil@cnes.fr (rocket launches)}} visites.csg@cnes.fr (museum and tours), csg-accueil@cnes.fr (rocket launches)
blank {{#invoke:Wy/syl/LinkPhone|LinkPhone| }}

Highlighting issues

[edit source]

To make it easier to find phone numbers that may have issues, enable the "ErrorHighlighter" gadget from your user preferences. After enabling the gadget, phone numbers with issues will display followed by a very noticeable warning message.

Alternately, if you prefer not to use a gadget then you can add the following to your own common.css page.

    color: red;
    background: yellow;
    display: inline !important;

local i = {}
function i.LinkOnePhone(txt, demo, fax, tollfree)
    local link = txt;
    local othertxt = "";
    local catprefix = '';
    local catMissingCountryCode = '';
    local catFormatIssue = '';
    local output;
    if demo == 'true' then
    	catprefix = ':';
    -- any other text in brackets at the end is stored separately and ignored for the dialing number
    if mw.ustring.gsub(txt, "(.*)( %(.*%))$", "%2") ~= txt then
        othertxt = mw.ustring.gsub(txt, "(.*)( %(.*%))$", "%2");
        txt = mw.ustring.gsub(txt, "(.*)( %(.*%))$", "%1");
    -- Don't include "ext NNNN" in the link
    link = mw.ustring.gsub(txt, " +[Ee][Xx][Tt] +%d+$", "");
    -- Don't include " xNNNN" in the link
    link = mw.ustring.gsub(link, " +x%d+$", "");
    link = mw.ustring.gsub(link, " ", "");
    link = mw.ustring.gsub(link, "'", "");
    if link == "" then
        return "";
    if mw.ustring.sub(link, 1, 1) ~= '+' and mw.ustring.len(link) > 4 then
    	catMissingCountryCode = '[[' .. catprefix .. 'Category:Wy/syl/Listing with phone missing country code]]<span class="phoneinfo" style="display:none;" title="Phone number does not have country code">NOCC</span>';
        if tollfree == 'yes' and mw.ustring.sub(link, 1, 3) == '800' then
           catMissingCountryCode = '';
        if tollfree == 'yes' and mw.ustring.sub(link, 1, 4) == '0508' then
           catMissingCountryCode = '';
        if tollfree == 'yes' and mw.ustring.sub(link, 1, 4) == '0800' then
           catMissingCountryCode = '';
        if tollfree == 'yes' and mw.ustring.sub(link, 1, 4) == '1300' then
           catMissingCountryCode = '';
        if tollfree == 'yes' and mw.ustring.sub(link, 1, 4) == '1800' then
           catMissingCountryCode = '';
        if tollfree == 'yes' and mw.ustring.sub(link, 1, 5) == '01800' then
           catMissingCountryCode = '';
        if mw.ustring.match(mw.ustring.lower(othertxt),"high cost") ~= nil then
           catMissingCountryCode = '';
        if mw.ustring.match(mw.ustring.lower(othertxt),"extra charge") ~= nil then
           catMissingCountryCode = '';
        if mw.ustring.match(mw.ustring.lower(othertxt),"premium") ~= nil then
           catMissingCountryCode = '';
        if mw.ustring.match(mw.ustring.lower(othertxt),"local rate") ~= nil then
           catMissingCountryCode = '';
        if mw.ustring.match(mw.ustring.lower(othertxt),"in country only") ~= nil then
           catMissingCountryCode = '';
        if mw.ustring.match(mw.ustring.lower(othertxt),"domestic") ~= nil then
           catMissingCountryCode = '';
        if mw.ustring.match(mw.ustring.lower(othertxt),"emergency") ~= nil then
           catMissingCountryCode = '';
        if mw.ustring.match(mw.ustring.lower(othertxt),"non%-emergency") ~= nil then
           catMissingCountryCode = '';
        if mw.ustring.match(mw.ustring.lower(othertxt),"non%-geographic number") ~= nil then
           catMissingCountryCode = '';
    if mw.ustring.match(link,"^%+[%d-() ]+$") ~= nil then
		output = '<span class="plainlinks nourlexpansion">';
		if fax == 'true' then
			output = output .. txt .. '</span>' .. othertxt;
			output = output .. '[tel:' .. link .. ' ' .. txt .. ']</span>' .. othertxt;
    elseif mw.ustring.match(link,"^%+[%d%u- ]+$") ~= nil then
        local extra = mw.ustring.match(link, "%u[%d%u- ]+")
        link = mw.ustring.gsub(link, "[A-C]", "2");
        link = mw.ustring.gsub(link, "[D-F]", "3");
        link = mw.ustring.gsub(link, "[G-I]", "4");
        link = mw.ustring.gsub(link, "[J-L]", "5");
        link = mw.ustring.gsub(link, "[M-O]", "6");
        link = mw.ustring.gsub(link, "[P-S]", "7");
        link = mw.ustring.gsub(link, "[T-V]", "8");
        link = mw.ustring.gsub(link, "[W-Z]", "9");
        extra = mw.ustring.gsub(extra, "[A-C]", "2");
        extra = mw.ustring.gsub(extra, "[D-F]", "3");
        extra = mw.ustring.gsub(extra, "[G-I]", "4");
        extra = mw.ustring.gsub(extra, "[J-L]", "5");
        extra = mw.ustring.gsub(extra, "[M-O]", "6");
        extra = mw.ustring.gsub(extra, "[P-S]", "7");
        extra = mw.ustring.gsub(extra, "[T-V]", "8");
        extra = mw.ustring.gsub(extra, "[W-Z]", "9");
		output = '<span class="plainlinks nourlexpansion">';
		if fax == 'true' then
			output = output .. txt .. ' (' .. extra .. ')' .. '</span>' .. othertxt;
			output = output .. '[tel:' .. link .. ' ' .. txt .. ' (' .. extra .. ')' .. ']</span>' .. othertxt;
        output = txt .. othertxt;
        if mw.ustring.match('+' .. link,"^%+[%d-() ]+$") == nil then
            catFormatIssue = '[[' .. catprefix .. 'Category:Wy/syl/Listing with phone format issue]]<span class="phoneinfo" style="display:none;" title="Phone number has formatting issue">FORMAT</span>';
    if mw.ustring.match(link,"%(0%)") ~= nil then
        catFormatIssue = '[[' .. catprefix .. 'Category:Wy/syl/Listing with phone format issue]]<span class="phoneinfo" style="display:none;" title="Phone number has formatting issue">FORMAT</span>';
    if mw.title.getCurrentTitle().namespace == 0 or demo == 'true' then
        output = output .. catFormatIssue .. catMissingCountryCode;
    return output;

function i.LinkPhone(frame)
    local demo = frame.args["demo"] or '';
	local fax = frame.args["fax"] or '';
    local txtall = frame.args[1] or '' .. ',';
    local tollfree = frame.args["tollfree"] or '';
    local txt = "";
    local result = "";
    -- replace or / and with comma
    txtall = mw.ustring.gsub(txtall, " or %+", ", +");
    txtall = mw.ustring.gsub(txtall, " and %+", ", +");
    for txt in mw.ustring.gmatch(txtall, "([^,]+)") do
        result = result .. ", " .. i.LinkOnePhone(txt, demo, fax, tollfree)
    result = mw.ustring.sub(result, 3, mw.ustring.len(result) );
    return result;

function i.LinkOneEmail(txt, demo)
    local othertxt = "";
    local catprefix = '';
    local catFormatIssue = '';
    local output;
    if demo == 'true' then
    	catprefix = ':';
    -- any other text in brackets at the end is stored separately and ignored for the dialing number
    if mw.ustring.gsub(txt, "(.*)( %(.*%))$", "%2") ~= txt then
        othertxt = mw.ustring.gsub(txt, "(.*)( %(.*%))$", "%2");
        txt = mw.ustring.gsub(txt, "(.*)( %(.*%))$", "%1");
    txt = mw.ustring.gsub(txt, " ", "");
    output = '[mailto:' .. txt .. ' ' .. txt .. ']' .. othertxt;
    if mw.ustring.match(txt,"@.+@") ~= nil then
        catFormatIssue = '[[' .. catprefix .. 'Category:Wy/syl/Listing with email format issue]]<span class="phoneinfo" style="display:none;" title="Email has formatting issue">FORMAT</span>';
    if mw.ustring.match(txt,"@[^.]+%.%.") ~= nil then
        catFormatIssue = '[[' .. catprefix .. 'Category:Wy/syl/Listing with email format issue]]<span class="phoneinfo" style="display:none;" title="Email has formatting issue">FORMAT</span>';
    if mw.ustring.match(txt,"@") == nil then
        catFormatIssue = '[[' .. catprefix .. 'Category:Wy/syl/Listing with email format issue]]<span class="phoneinfo" style="display:none;" title="Email has formatting issue">FORMAT</span>';
    if mw.ustring.match(txt,"@[^.]+%.[^.]+") == nil then
        catFormatIssue = '[[' .. catprefix .. 'Category:Wy/syl/Listing with email format issue]]<span class="phoneinfo" style="display:none;" title="Email has formatting issue">FORMAT</span>';
    if mw.title.getCurrentTitle().namespace == 0 or demo == 'true' then
        output = output .. catFormatIssue;
    return output;

function i.LinkEmail(frame)
    local demo = frame.args["demo"] or '';
    local txtall = frame.args[1] or '' .. ',';
    local txt = "";
    local result = "";
    -- replace semicolon with comma
    txtall = mw.ustring.gsub(txtall, "; ", ", ");
    for txt in mw.ustring.gmatch(txtall, "([^,]+)") do
        result = result .. ", " .. i.LinkOneEmail(txt, demo)
    result = mw.ustring.sub(result, 3, mw.ustring.len(result) );
    return result;

return i;