Hutu incubator ro awo yiko

From Wikimedia Incubator
This page is a translated version of the page Incubator:Upload and the translation is 79% complete.

If you are a registered user, on some wikis you can upload a file through Special:Upload. But that functionality is mostly disabled on Incubator. You have to upload files directly on Wikimedia Commons.

Uploading is permitted only for bureaucrats, who use it only for certain administrative functions, like archiving deleted tests.

Laiya gaminde Commons ro awo yikiminma

Na, Allan hutu sadindi dukso gulzana

  1. Buronumc:Special:CreateAccountregister dimin Commons lan au auc:Special:UserLogin surodiro ga, amin register num bejima klanzen gayin
  2. Jiri do shilan faidatumin de karne
  3. Go to Commons:Upload and follow the instructions or use the Upload Wizard. Experienced users can also use this tool.
  4. Files jiriyaye shilan faidatumin kla su fallin

Ayiro cidajin ba

Awo sikinade shima

Awo chidaye gade faidatu duro. Commons shima zauro faidawo Lai gade duksowa kozina

  • Photo jiriyaye shilan rannim faidatumin suro wikimedia foundation lan
    • It avoids having to re-upload missing files after importing all test wiki pages to the new site.
  • Commons shima tsari glama beji Awo yikoro. Suro incubator lan tsari glama Awo yikoye ba