Wp/mh/Peij in jinoin
![]() This series of pages is for a test-Wikipedia in the Kajin Majõl. Your Marshallese input here will be appreciated. The request for the creation of the Marshallese Wikipedia will be approved if and when there is sufficient article content. When it is approved, all content here would be moved to the actual Wikipedia.
Marshallese language speakers are encouraged to create as many top-quality articles as possible. Laajrak in peij kein rej ñan juon test-Wikipedia ilo Kajin Majõl. Enaj emman am lelok in Marshallese ijin. Kajjitōk eo ñan kōmmane Marshallese Wikipedia enaj kōtlok elañe im ñe ewōr joñan melele ko. Ñe emoj an kōtlok, aolep men ko ijin renaj bōklok ñan Wikipedia eo emol. Kinke menin ej juon test-wikipedia aolep melele ko ijin rej aikuj jino kin format in [[Wp/mh/Name of article]]. N̄an waanjon̄ak, juon ennaan kōn Marshall Islands ej aikuj in taitōl ijin āinwōt Majõl. Elañe jerbal in ej kadiwōjlok jen Incubator eo, aolep link ko renaj oktak ñan juon form eo ekkar einwot [[Majõl]]. Ri konono kajin Marshallese rej rōjan ir ñan kōmman elōn article ko remman tata. This template needs to be translated into Marshallese.
Wikipedia Jijtō