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From Wikimedia Incubator
This page is a translated version of the page Incubator:Wikis and the translation is 54% complete.

Følgende liste indeholder testwikier som udvikles på Wikimedia Incubator som møder en eller begge af disse kriterier:

  • De er har en del indhold (mindst 25 artikler), og/eller
  • De er aktive (har haft aktiv indholdproduktion efter begyndelsen af 2023).

For the most active ones of these wikis, see Incubator:Featured wikis.

For the statistics about all these wikis, see Incubator:Wikipedia projects.

For the wikis that have moved out of Incubator, see Incubator:Site creation log.

For test wikis not listed here, see Category:Incubator:All test wikis, where all tests are listed by project code and language code.