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馬克次溫Mark Twain,1835年11月30日—1910年4月21日,又譯馬克吐溫),原名三苗·能康·卡文士Samuel Langhorne Clemens),係美國小說家、作家、演說家,有「美國文學嘅林肯」稱號。

名言[edit | edit source]

  • 人生在世,一定要逆來順受,千其唔好浪費時間,做冇益嘅煩惱。
  • 問題唔係蠢人特別多,而係閃電冇準確劈中佢哋。

The trouble ain't that there is too many fools, but that the lightning ain't distributed right.

  • 大話行咗半個世界,真話先啱啱起身行。
  • 開心唔係一件自我存在嘅嘢,佢淨係其他唔開心嘢嘅一個相對比照,呢樣嘢就係開心。

Happiness ain't a thing in itself --- it's only a contrast with something that ain't pleasant. That's all it is.

  • 冇錢係所有罪惡嘅根源。
  • 真正嘅大不敬係唔尊重人哋嘅神。

True irreverence is disrespect for another man's god.

  • 每一個人一出世都會有一樣資產,佢比其他所有嘅資產價值都高,就是佢最後一口氣。

Each person is born to one possession which outvalues all his others --- his last breath.

  • 好家教在於收埋我哋對自己好嘅評價,同埋收埋我哋對人哋差嘅評價。

Good breeding consists in concealing how much we think of ourselves and how little we think of the other person.

  • 「名聲」好似蒸氣,「聲望」好似意外;喺地球上面唯一可以確定嘅嘢係俾人遺忘。

Fame is vapor; popularity an accident; the only earthly certainty is oblivion.

  • 「原則」係「偏見」嘅花名。

Principles is another name for prejudice.

  • 「必要」唔識任何法律。

Necessity knows no law.

  • 當你為愛情而釣魚嗰陣,要用你嘅心做餌,而唔係用你個腦。

When you fish for love, bait with your heart, not your brain.

  • 如果所有的人都是富有的,那麼所有的人都是貧窮的。

If all men were rich, all men would be poor.

  • 首先去攞你嘅事實,然後你先至可以隨心所欲恁扭曲誤解佢。

Get your facts first, and then you can distort them as much as you like.  

  • 一個人最危險嘅敵人係佢自己個口才。

The deadly enemy of a man, his own tongue....

  • 一本有惡意嘅書唔會傷害到任何人,除咗寫佢條懵炳。

A malignant book would hurt nobody but the fool who wrote it.

  • 預言係人類唯一一項唔可以通過練習而改善嘅技術。

Prophesying was the only human art that couldn't be improved by practice.

  • 當一個人讀聖經嗰陣,佢對上帝所知程度嘅驚訝係低過佢對上帝所唔知程度嘅驚訝。

When one reads Bibles, one is less surprised at what the Deity knows than at what he doesn't know.

  • 亞當真係一位老懵懂,佢本來一切順利,而且佢已經成功贏到社區入面最靚女嘅女仔嘅芳心,但係佢唔滿足於自己嘅征服成果,結果走去食嗰個可憐嘅蘋果仔。

What a fool old Adam was. Had everything his own way; had succeeded in gaining the love of the best looking girl in the neighborhood, but yet unsatisfied with his conquest he had to eat a miserable little apple.

  • 印度有兩百萬個神,重要全部都崇拜澌。喺宗教上其他國家都係死窮鬼,印度係唯一嘅百萬富翁。

India has 2,000,000 gods, and worships them all. In religion other countries are paupers; India is the only millionaire.

  • 有一個人由天堂嚟到人間遊埠,佢所用嘅係有效三十日嘅減價飛,佢諗住要的賣咗佢嘅回程飛。

Ingersoll's story of the man that went down from heaven on a reduced-rate excursion ticket good for 30 days --- and tried to sell his return ticket.

  • 為咗練習,首先造咗傻仔,跟住佢創造咗教育委員會。

In the first place God made idiots. This was for practice. Then He made School Boards.