Wq/gor/Claude Debussy

Achille-Claude Debussy (22 Agustus 1862 – 25 Maret 1918) yito tawu ngota kpmposer lonto Perancis. Tito masahuru wolo gayaliyo u hetanggulala musiki Impresionis, openu tiyo diila motohila lo istilah boyito.
- The colour of my soul is iron-grey and sad bats wheel about the steeple of my dreams.
- Lakuliyo lo jiwa'u yito abu-abu wuwate wawu poni'i u mololo totoyonga to tili lo menara tohilopu'u.
- Letter to Ernest Chausson (1894)
- A beautiful sunset that was mistaken for a dawn.
- Mato lo dulahu molilingga tolo-tolopo helantobu lotawu butu-butu mayi.
- On Richard Wagner as quoted in TIME (7 December 1953)