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Wp/nys/Wardandi Mia Kwel - Wardandi Placenames

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asBal-al-ing-uporbal-al-nyin-uporbal-ale-yin-up or bal - alla - up means one that is situated there at this place.[1]


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asc-al-ngardi-uporcala-ali-ngardi-upor carla-ali - ngardal - gup or kal - al - ngardal - upp or kal - al - ngardi - upp or kal - al - ngardal - gup means that nearby and underneath this whole place is a native’s home fire or one’s native heath.[1]


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ascow-war-ra-muporkowar-war-ra-uporkaua - war - ra - upp - up or kowin - war - ra - gup or kowin - war - ra - upp or kowar - war - ra - gup means laughing on the way to the district of the clear plains.[1]


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asg-el-or-uporgellup-el-or-upporjelub-el-or- gup or chelber - el - or - up means by the spring time this district is a grassy location.[1]


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askatter-uporkat-guporkaat-guporkarter-uppor karter - gup means that this district has hills, mountains or high country.[1]


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asmall-ok-upormaloo-ok-upormoller-ak-uppor mol - ok - gup or maluk - ak - gup or moller - ak - gup means the place of shadows and shade.[1]


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asme-el-upormairl-el-uppormeeal-upormel-el- up or mel - uel - pp or mairl - el - up or meeal - el - gup means by the location of eyes.[1]


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aswardan-uporwaddarn-uporwattarn-upor wattarn - up or wattarn - upp or wattarn - gup or odern - up or odern - upp or odern - gup means the place of the ocean.[1]


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as yo - ong - ar - ill - up or yool - ang - ngar - il - upp or yool - ang - naar - il - gup or yooal - ong - naar - il - upp or yooal - ang - naar - il - gup means the Nyungar who belong here come to burn on this district.[1]

Ngiyan waarnk

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  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 Len Collard. "Boodjar - Nyungar Placenames in the South-West of Western Australia". Curtin University Sustainability Policy (CUSP) and the School of Indigenous Studies (SIS) at the University of Western Australia]. Retrieved 29 April 2023