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Wp/nys/Kaata Moornda (Darling Scarp)

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Wp > nys > Kaata Moornda (Darling Scarp)
Kaata Moornda viewed from the Swan Coastal Plain

Kaata Moornda is called the Darling Scarp in English. It is a low escarpment running north–south to the east of the Swan Coastal Plain and Perth. The escarpment extends generally north of Bindoon, to the south of Pemberton. It is 320 km long and average heights range from 250 to 300 m. The highest peaks are Mount Cooke at 582 m and Mount Solus at 572 m, both near Jarrahdale, and Mount Dale which is 546 m high and 25 km east of Armadale.

Kaata Moornda Waarnk - Stories about the Darling Scarp

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Noongar katitdjin says Kaata Moornda represents the Waakal, he meandered over the boodjar and created the pinjar, gnamma and kierp-ways. See the story in the section Waakal in the bibol Tom Yelakitj Bennell.

Ngiyan waarnk - References

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