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Dead Cities Woto yɩɩ Wikipedia, ãsiklopedia zaalma

Gʋlgsã gomda tẽn-kʋdg baoosem zĩis sẽn be Siiri soolmẽ. Sã ya foto rãmba Future Sound of London sẽn yõga, ges-y Dead Cities (album).

Dead Cities
archaeological site, abandoned village
Native labelالمدن المنسية Tekre
CultureByzantine Empire Tekre
CountrySyria Tekre
Located in/on physical featureLimestone Massif Tekre
Coordinate location36°20′3″N 36°50′39″E Tekre
Significant eventlist of World Heritage in Danger Tekre
Time periodlate antiquity Tekre
Heritage designationWorld Heritage Site Tekre
World Heritage criteriaWorld Heritage selection criterion (iii), World Heritage selection criterion (iv), World Heritage selection criterion (v) Tekre


  1. Kʋdemde
  2. Tẽn-kʋd zĩisi
  • Mount Simeon, Mount Kurd and Mount Ḥalqa
  • Harim Mountains (Mount Bārīshā and Mount Aʻlā)
  • Mount Zāwiya
  1. Ges-n-paasga
  2. Tõkdse
  3. Kɛɛng wila

Kʋdemde[edit | edit source]

Tẽn-kʋd zĩisi[edit | edit source]

Mount Simeon, Mount Kurd and Mount Ḥalqa

Harim Mountains (Mount Bārīshā and Mount Aʻlā)

Mount Zāwiya

Ges-n-paasga[edit | edit source]

  • World Heritage Sites in Danger

Tõkdse[edit | edit source]

  1. Burns, Ross., Monuments of Syria: An Historical Guide, p.109
  2. UNESCO. "Ancient Villages of Northern Syria". Retrieved 2011-10-30.
  3. "Syria Photo Guide". Archived from the original on 2017-05-14. Retrieved 2017-02-22.
  4. "الخارطة التفاعلية للمواقع الأثرية المتضررة". www.dgam.gov.sy. Archived from the original on July 15, 2020. Retrieved October 27, 2019.
  5. "Walking through the ruins". Jamahir News (in Arabic). Archived from the original on 2012-03-08.
  6. "Aleppo Fafertin Church". Esyria.sy. Retrieved 2013-06-10.
  7. "Aleppo: Kalota village". Esyria.sy. Archived from the original on 2016-08-23. Retrieved 2013-06-10.
  8. "Kalota Church". Qenshrin. Retrieved 2013-06-10.
  9. "Kharab Shams in history". Esyria.sy. 2008-12-13. Retrieved 2013-06-10.

Kɛɛng wila[edit | edit source]

  • Simeon Citadel and Dead Cities, Suggestion to have the Dead Cities recognized as a UNESCO world heritage site, in 2006, as part of "Simeon Citadel and Dead Cities"-project.
  • Pictures of four dead cities

London Dead Cities

Tuisgo[edit | edit source]

Dead Cities wã bɩ Forgotten Cities yaa tẽnse sula kobs-yopoe nins b sẽn base n-lob Syria rɩtg nen-taoor baobgo. B bee tẽnse ninsɩ b sẽn boond ti Aleppo la Idlib sʋka. Vilimda me bɩɩ n-lilgra tẽn-koagse pis-naase nins sẽn lagem-lagem archaeology yalsg-zĩig ramba nii sẽn be Syria rɩtg nen-taoor baobgo sẽne wã wʋligda wala Late AntiquityByzantine sasa tẽn-koaka ramba yel-manesem. B da basa tẽn-koagsa wʋsg, sẽn kɛgl n yit 1st yʋʋm kobre n tɩ ta 7th yʋʋm kobre, 8th nɩ 10th yʋʋm kobre ramba sʋka.[1] Yiya tara rot nins sẽn zãag neere. Kẽer yaa nẽb-yiya, wẽnd-roto, bulsi, ko-solsga roto, etc. Tẽn-bɛd kɩɩng nins sẽn yaa kẽemse la al Bara, Serjilla nɩ Saint Simeon Stylites Wẽnd-roogo.[2]

Dead Cities wã yasa pĩiga zãllem vẽenem sẽn boond tɩ Limestone Massif wã. Yi kʋto bãmba  monmere yaa 20--40 km (12-25 mi) yalenga la 140 km (87 mi) woglem. Massip wã tara yĩngri vẽenem sull-sulli rãmba tãabo: pipi rɩnda la wĩn-dɩtgosene Mount Simeon la a Mount Kurd sull-sulla; yiib sʋk sull-sulla la Harim Mountains (Tãn-bɛda); ti sẽn paas a tã yaa wĩn-goabg Zawiya Mountains (Tãn-bɛda).[3]

Dead Cities bɩɩ Forgottern Cities ya zagse sulli n na ta 700 n ya raboodo tɩ be Syria rɩtgo baobgo ni Aleppo la Idlib.Tẽng-kɩremse sõre na ta pis-naase(40) n naag m'be kʋdemd zĩisi a nii(8) m'be Syria rɩtgo baobgo geta o b tẽng-kɩrem vɩɩm, Late Antiquity la Byzantine wakat.Tẽng-kɩremsa wʋsgo sɩnga yʋʋm kobre a yembre la a yopoe wã wakat,tɩ a wa lebg raboodo yʋʋm kobre a nii la piig suka.la a zagsa tara me neere n dag ya wẽnd doto la ko-solsg doto.

Bugsi[edit | edit source]

  1. kʋdemde/Kibare
  2. Archaeology tʋʋm Ziisi

Kʋdemde[edit | edit source]

Chris Wickham, Roman ãndũni pʋgdenga taoor zãomsgo, "Framing the Early Middle Ages" (2006) mãanda no-koeemd ti yir bãmba ra yaa arzɛk-koaada yiya sẽn pa wẽnegd galen-tẽnse ye. Yiya sẽn pa wã yii koaada arzɛk nins b sẽn paame b zamaan-zẽns Olive kaam leebgo pʋge.

A le yeela mɩ tɩ tẽn-bɛda bãmb yaa tẽnse nins sẽnda nõbe b sẽn be Byzantine Empire wã leebgo so-kõaada yaalg zuga. Leebga soda teka mɩ sasa nina Arabs rãmba sẽn tõog ba tɩ kɩ t tẽnsa kong b tʋʋmd nins sẽnda pidsri b arzɛk koglgo rãmba. Dɩwã yaa, tẽng-n-biisa basa b tẽnse la b zoe n tɩ zĩnd ne Arab rãmba.

Dead Cities wã tẽn-bãooneg Kʋta wɩligda ãndũni sẽn tek n yi Roman Empire yel-manesem n wa kẽ Byzantine tiugungu pʋge.

Dead Cities wã lebga UNESCO World Heritage Site yʋʋmde 2011. B kẽesgo yʋʋr la "Ancient Villages of North Syria".

Nẽb sɩnge n reng n kẽed zĩisa pʋge tɩ Syrian Civil War yaoole n zabe. Tẽn-kɩɩng rãmba wʋsgo da ping n  zãagame tɩ yamleo-gõaadba da tõog n kẽera zĩisa yol-yol ba ne Dead Cities wã kẽer taab yaa toogo (Abdallah Hadjar lɛgend tũuda seb-karemdga beemɩ ne zĩig mams-rẽesdem sẽn nan kɩ tɩ neb tõog n padme zĩis nins sẽn paamd yaa toogo: St Simeon Stylites Wẽn-roogo la Archaeology Zĩis sẽn be Simeon ne Halaqa Tãn-bɛda (Mountains) zugu.

Archaeology-tʋʋmd Zĩisi[edit | edit source]

Tẽn-bɛd kɩɩngsɩ nɩ archaeology tʋʋmd zĩis sẽn be Limestone Massif la St Simeon Stylites Wẽn-roogo, Serjilla, Bara, Basufan, Barisha, Qalb Loze, Cyrrhus, Turmanin, Banabil, Kafr Aruq, Kafr Dariyan, Babuline, Hazarin, Jarada, Maghara, Shinan, Farkya, Ein LaruzDeir Sunbul, Al-Dana, la a Sarmada.


  1. Kʋdemde
  2. Tẽn-kʋdg baoosem zĩisi
  • Simeõ Tãnga, Kurd Tãnga la Halka Tãnga
  • Harim Tãmse (Barisha Tãnga la A'la Tãnga)
  • Zawiya Tãnga
  1. Ges-n-paasga
  2. Tõkdse
  3. Kɛɛng wila

Ges-n-paasga[edit | edit source]

Sebtiise[edit | edit source]

  1. "الخارطة التفاعلية للمواقع الأثرية المتضررة". www.dgam.gov.sy. Archived from the original on July 15, 2020. Retrieved October 27, 2019
  2. Burns, Ross., Monuments of Syria: An Historical Guide, p.109
  3. UNESCO. "Ancient Villages of Northern Syria". Retrieved 2011-10-30.