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Wp/gaa/Cape Town

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Cape Town
port settlement, statistical territorial entity, big city, legislative capital, national capital
Part ofWestern Cape Tsakemɔ
Inception1652 Tsakemɔ
Official nameCape Town Tsakemɔ
Native labelCape Town, Kaapstad, iKapa, Motse Kapa Tsakemɔ
Named afterCape of Good Hope Tsakemɔ
DemonymCapetonian, Captonien, Captonienne, capetoniani Tsakemɔ
ContinentAfrica Tsakemɔ
CountrySouth Africa Tsakemɔ
Located in the administrative territorial entityCity of Cape Town Tsakemɔ
Located in time zoneUTC+02:00 Tsakemɔ
Located in or next to body of waterTable Bay Tsakemɔ
Coordinate location33°55′31″S 18°25′26″E Tsakemɔ
Office held by head of governmentmayor of Cape Town Tsakemɔ
Head of governmentGeordin Hill-Lewis Tsakemɔ
Member ofCreative Cities Network Tsakemɔ
Present in workCivilization V Tsakemɔ
Postal code8001, 8000 Tsakemɔ
Official websitehttp://www.capetown.gov.za Tsakemɔ
HashtagCapeTown, Kapstadt Tsakemɔ
Flagflag of Cape Town Tsakemɔ
Open data portalCity of Cape Town Open Data Portal Tsakemɔ
Local dialing code45 Tsakemɔ
Category for maps or plansCategory:Maps of Cape Town Tsakemɔ

Cape Town ji mlafeemɔ maŋtiase ni yɔɔ Afrika Wuoyigbɛ. Eji maŋtiase ni etsɛ fe fɛɛ kɛ Afrika Wuoyigbɛ maŋkwramɔŋ saneyelihe lɛ sɛi.