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city, prefecture of the Central African Republic, border city, big city
Inception1889 Tsakemɔ
Official nameBangui, Kötä gbätä tî Bangî Tsakemɔ
Native labelBangui, Kötä gbätä tî Bangî Tsakemɔ
Named afterUbangi River Tsakemɔ
DemonymBanguissois, Banguissoise Tsakemɔ
CountryCentral African Republic Tsakemɔ
Capital ofCentral African Republic Tsakemɔ
Located in the administrative territorial entityCentral African Republic, Ubangi-Shari Tsakemɔ
Located in time zoneUTC+01:00 Tsakemɔ
Located in or next to body of waterUbangi River Tsakemɔ
Coordinate location4°22′24″N 18°33′46″E Tsakemɔ
Twinned administrative bodyDodoma, Chécy Tsakemɔ
Shares border withOmbella-M'Poko Prefecture, Sud-Ubangi Tsakemɔ
Language usedAli, Gobu, Yakoma, Kpagua Tsakemɔ
Category for maps or plansCategory:Maps of Bangui Tsakemɔ

Bangui (French tsɛmɔ: [bɑ̃ɡi]; loo Bangui yɛ Sango mli, tsutsu lɛ aŋmaa akɛ Bangui yɛ Blɔfo mli) ji Central African Republik lɛ maŋtiase kɛ maŋtiase ni da fe fɛɛ.